Domestic violence cases are rife with victim intimidation and manipulation. Is there any way that AI can help protect domestic violence victims?
I’ve convicted numerous DV defendants throughout my career soley because I caught them committing witness intimidation in their jail calls.
Most people don’t understand the amount of control DV perpetrators have over their victims, it’s a complex mixture of:
-emotional control
-financial control
-psychological control
-control of their children
-control of their home or vehicle
-intense trauma bonding
-even guilt for “putting” the defendant in jail.
That’s why even one call from their abuser can convince a victim to not participate in the criminal process
And the defendant walks free.
And does it again.
DV cases are one of the driving factors that keeps me working on WireTap.

What would DV prosecutions look like across the nation if it only took a few minutes to analyze a days worth of jail calls?
How many more violent offenders would be held accountable for their actions?
Most DV defendants know how to play the game and get their charges dropped.
I want to change the game and stop them for good. #enddomesticviolence