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[Legal Disclaimer] I’m a retired prosecutor and still a lawyer, but I am not YOUR lawyer. Nothing mentioned in these posts are meant to constitute legal advice nor establish an attorney-client relationship. Please see the Disclaimer at the bottom of this post as well as our Terms and Conditions.

WireTap AI Memes

Writer: Rory McBrydeRory McBryde

  1. Listening to Jail Calls Drains your IQ. Most conversations are insipid and mind numbing.

Two-part image: top shows whole eggs labeled "This is your brain," bottom shows frying eggs labeled "This is your brain listening to jail calls." Humorous tone.
Don't get dumber because you listened to hundreds of jail calls. WireTap can help!
  1. Defendants rely on officers not having time to review their calls. WireTap uses AI to search 8-10 hours of calls in just a few minutes! Unmasking any Defendants nefarious plots.

Cartoon man reveals another's disguise in two panels. Text: "Defendant thinking no one is listening to his jail calls," "Wiretap," "Confessed to his crimes."
Catch Defendants red handed! They know you don't have time to listen to all their calls, but WireTap does.

  1. Listening to jail calls is often a zero sum game. You have the potential to find evidence that can make even the weakest case iron clad if you catch the Defendant confessing. But often times, you listen for hours, and find nothing.

Three images of a contemplative man, seated, standing by a table, and by an empty pool. Text reads, "Spent the whole day listening to jail calls, found no evidence."
Don't waste your valuable time, let WireTap listen to the useless calls and point you to the right ones!

  1. Lots of investigators know that Defendants leave evidence in their recorded jail calls. But they don't have the time to spare to listen to more than a few calls each week, leaving 99% of calls unlistened to. WireTap uses AI to flip the script!

Man smirking, pointing to his head in a clever gesture. Text reads, "NO TIME FOR JAIL CALLS? WIRETAP CAN LISTEN FOR YOU." Background shows a window.
Spending 20 minutes with WireTap each morning can keep you caught up with every call a Defendant makes each day!

  1. If these memes have changed your perspective on how WireTap AI can help you find evidence faster than currently possible, the below mind state has probably entered the chat.

A cat in a suit sits at a table with tea and a newspaper, looking thoughtful. Text reads: "I should try Wiretap..." Light curtains in background.
Yes, you're right. You SHOULD try WireTap to see how AI can find evidence in jail calls!

AI is a game changer for every industry. AI is great at combing through mountains of data to find evidence (faster and cheaper than humanly possible)!

You can check it out with a quick 20-minute zoom demo,



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